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Contest Games


Scrambled Exeggute

Letters will be listed in random order and contestants must race to unscramble them to name a pokemon. The contest will become more difficult with longer names.


​Roster Race

A game where participants place the named pokemon in random order in their TPPC roster.

The pokemon start off as basic map pokemon and get more difficult as the contest progresses


Unown Language

Contestants race to spell the name of a pokemon or pokemon move by placing unown in their roster


Guess The Pokemon

Participants are given clues to a specific pokemon which they must try to guess correctly


Mad Math

You will be given an equation such as: Pikachu + Charizard = ??

Use the international pokedex #'s to figure out the answer pokemon.

In this case: 25 + 6 = 31 (Nidoqueen)




Shout That Shiny

A color will be announced and contestants must guess a pokemon that is this color when it is SHINY. For example: If the color YELLOW is announced, Onix could be used as an answer.


Type It Out

One or more types will be listed and contestants must correctly guess a pokemon that is within the types listed.

As the contest progresses it will become more difficult when generations are added as factors.

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